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Literary Development Program
Literary Development Program

June 5


Virtual Event

Literary Development Program

Welcome to the Alfaaz Literary Program! This is a great opportunity to work on your writing skills, challenge yourself and meet other writers. Click 'register' to learn more

Time & Location

June 5

Virtual Event

About the event

The program is designed to challenge your creative and writing brain by introducing you to a variety of writing thought-starteres and formats. These thought-starters are designed to encourage you to take new angles on your writing across observational, reflective, informative, existential and hypothetical styles.

It is also designed for you to attempt writing formats you may not have previously written, including poetry, short stories or reflective forms. It’s critical as writers that you attempt new styles of writing as it can help develop your skills.

Finally, the program is designed to push you out of your comfort zone by sharing your writing with others and receiving constructive feedback – often a vulnerable process. You may not initially be comfortable with sharing your work, but it can be rewarding on the other side.

The program & format:

You will receive six 'thought-starters' over the course of the program, covering different writing formats and themes. After each thought-starter, your piece will be reviewed by the person running the program as well as other participants and you will receive feedback. You will also have the opportunity to provide other participants with feedback.

We will also be sharing resources and having workshops to improve your skills and needs.

The program has plenty of flexibility built in depending on what the participants need as we go through the two weeks! Ww will also accomodate for different timezones.

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