Submit your writing

Alfaaz is a space for you to share your words with the world. 

What do we look for?

At Alfaaz, we love inspired and inspiring writing. We look for pieces that touch on interesting themes or provide a unique perspective on common themes.

We do not have any minimum or maximum length.

While we would love to showcase all of the work we receive, we can only publish a select number of pieces given the volume of submissions.

Publishing Guidelines

Please follow the below guidelines when submitting your writing:

  • Please only submit work that has not already been published elsewhere, whether printed or online. You may publish elsewhere after your submission has been approved and published on Alfaaz

  • Writing must be original and written by you

  • Please only submit one version of each piece. You may submit multiple pieces in separate submissions​

We will format your piece with you prior to publishing to ensure both your style and consistency is maintained, while meeting our stylistic standards.​

The content of your writing will not be changed from the original submission.